依于仁 游于艺

a FUN job

Been back to work for 2 days. I have just started to catch up with all the jobs that I have left for holiday last week. Yesterday was a bit overwhelming, thanks to a box of chocolates that was given by our lovely editor, I was able to lift my spirits and manage to respond all the insane requests from the clients. One of my favourite clients just wanted me to design a billboard for his fitness studio. The image he would like to put on is a tight "bums", a.k.a. butttocks or arse. So I had to source some photos of nice, healthy bums, preferably in gym tights. How fun for me! While flipping through all the arse photos in the image library, one of my colleague poked his head and asked:" Are you watching PORN?"......hahaha......OMG!!! ( ⊙o⊙ )


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