依于仁 游于艺


This morning I had a chat with our proof reader and I said something like" ...Too much independence doesn't help with getting along with the parents...". I was shocked to hear myself saying that...I guess that having not been living close with my folks for seven years or even longer than that, I am totally used to be with myself alone, interacting with the surroundings on my own and I am perfectly fine with it. Now, they are here, I feel that my daily routine disrupted, have got to be there for them... i.e. having dinner together, taking them to sight-seeings, and chat... a lot of talking actually...etc. Somehow at the bottom of my heart, I do miss my solitary, and I am getting less patient with them occasionally...sounds horribble, isn't it? 

Don't get me wrong, I do love my folks very much, I'd like to spend time with them. It's just I am having my own life as well...like chilled out after work sometimes, having a bit drink and a burger maybe or pizza. I don't want to have proper cooked chinese food all the time. I wish they could step out of the kitchen and enjoy their holiday here without having to think about taking care of us. I get a bit annoyed when they are stubborn of doing things in their way. I am sure they have the same feeling towards me. 

Maybe I am a selfish bastard or like my hubby called " not mature enough", whatever you call, I am who I am. The bottom line is ... I LOVE my parents no matter what, and I hope they would understand. 

Is someone out there having the same feeling as I do?


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