依于仁 游于艺

Took the photo randomly on my way to work today, always curious about the graffti on the wall, wondering what is the meaning of it.

Thanks to the storm on the weekend, our landline was obviously flooded and as the result of that, there is no internet at home since then. My hubby almost had a panic attack of this situation. What a baby!

It's actually a great opportunity for us to have a simple life, no more social network that we have to check everyday, no more Lofter of course...well, that's sad...

I am writing this at the office now...after work actually...been crazily busy for the past few weeks. More jobs to come, there is never an ending in this holiday season. Good thing is that you will never get bored well maybe occasionally...Wish I could be more creative and brave for trying some new ideas.

I am just rambling on and on , I don't even know what I am talking about...


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