依于仁 游于艺

Not sure about the end of the world... but I have to go to work tomorrow that's for sure...

Today is supposed to be the last day at work before the holidays but there is one horrible job due tomorrow... the client has been pushing really really hard, she wants to get it all done and dusted before Xmas... well, everyone in the office this week have been working overtime to reach the goal. The client wasn't making things easier somehow. We have constantly received her changes and revised the layout over and over again until she is happy with every page (over 100p)...tomorrow is the last push, hopefully we will get it finished. In order to boost our spirit in this crazy holiday season and stop the whinning, the boss has bought us tons of chocolates plus the coke, red bull and a gift card to Liquorland...hehe... Wish you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year : )


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