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No work in spring

Last night was being silly staying up late to watch the movie Saving Private Ryan and Apollo 13. Two old movies back in the 90s, they are okay I think...I wasn't that impressed...anyway this morning really strugging to get out of bed and go to work. Thanks to my hubby for giving me a ride as he is having a holiday at the moment... 

The minute I got into the office I was told the server is down...heard that it happened on Friday night, and all the work hasn't been back up yet. Great, no server that means no access to our art room and I can't do anything unless restore all the work from our back up drive, so the latest work that I can use is from Thursday last week, bugger! I have done a lot on Friday and it was all gone, I have to restart again... A painful procedure to retrieve all the files from the back up drive as it takes a lot of time and my work has been piled up, plus the boss didn't leave me alone either, telling me I should do this and that about the server, I mean come on just go away and let me do my job.

My head was a bit spinning in the morning and it was my fault partly for not going to bed earlier, I must have got old I guess...now I need a cuppa then I will try to sort out all the crap... What a day!


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